Sunset over Cabo Frio (the Cold Cape), Brazil

Sunset over Cabo Frio (the Cold Cape), Brazil
where the warm north Altantic meets the cold south Atlantic. picture (c) phil marks 2009

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Occupation or just Passing the Time?

Remembering that this blog is slanted towards mature dating, you will find that quite a few ladies are retired or semi retired. Many will have recently become ‘single’ with the children just having left home. They may be building a social life to fill in their time, and have thrown themselves into a variety of projects. Some may be so busy that you may wonder whether they have time in their life for a man. This can take some adjusting to, particularly if you are retired or semi-retired yourself.

Indeed, after marital breakdown, some may have spent many years raising the children without a significant man in their life or period of cohabitation, and that does lead one to question why that should be so. Some divorced/separated ladies throw everything into seeing their children through school; then, when the children fly the coop, they have a big gap in their lives. They then put in considerable effort to fill their diaries. During the years raising the children, they have been in charge of their own lives, taking responsibility and making decisions. This will usually have changed them, and maybe toughened them. Then you come along. Suddenly, they have to consider another person, and you have to work around a full diary. It can be frustrating, particularly if you have a full diary too! So, be prepared to set aside time and be flexible if you want a relationship to flourish.

On the other hand, if you have plenty of time on your hands, and the lady is still working in a demanding occupation, then you may find that planning time together is also quite challenging.

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