Sunset over Cabo Frio (the Cold Cape), Brazil

Sunset over Cabo Frio (the Cold Cape), Brazil
where the warm north Altantic meets the cold south Atlantic. picture (c) phil marks 2009

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Body Type or Build

Many people will promote themselves as at least one category slimmer than they actually are, assuming of course that they are not in the slimmest category to start with. Bear this in mind, so that you do not get a surprise at that first date. And, of course, most people in this mature dating arena will not be ‘spring chickens’. However, optimism is good!

And, if you you are a few pounds overweight, then so be it - you WILL see profiles where people are looking for somebody 'cuddly'. The phrase 'well built' though can be open to misunderstanding if you use it!

Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, to use that hackneyed expression.

My next post will be about's and don'ts.

Lovesail havenplace blue-hound

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